Potvrdite sadržaje koje nudite
Potvrdite sadržaje koje nudite
Many guests filter search results by amenities, so adding everything you offer will help you increase bookings. It’s important that your listing is accurate and it’s a good idea to periodically review it to update your listing details so you can deliver a great stay and maintain good reviews.
Amenities guests expect
Guests expect some basics when they stay with you so they can freshen up and have a good night’s rest.
- Bedding. This includes a bed sheet; a blanket, comforter, or top-sheet; and one sleeping pillow per person with a pillowcase.
- Working locks. For a private room, this means providing a working lock on the door to the private entrance. For an entire home, this means providing a working lock on the main entrance.
- Bathroom basics. This means providing:
- Shampoo and/or 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner
- Body soap
- Hand soap
- Access to full bathroom facilities, including a seated, flushable toilet, a bathtub or shower, a sink, and hot and cold running water
Many guests book listings specifically for the availability of a pool, hot tub, or gym. If you offer one of these facilities, be sure to specify if it's available for a guest’s private use, or if it’s shared with others.
Je li vam ovaj članak pomogao?
Vezani sadržaji
- Domaćin
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