Kad počnete unositi tekst u polje za pretraživanje, prikazat će vam se prijedlozi. Za pregledavanje se koristite strelicama na tipkovnici. Za odabir pritisnite „enter”. Ako ste odabrali izraz koji sadrži više riječi, algoritam za pretraživanje tražit će taj izraz. Ako je prijedlog poveznica, u pregledniku će se otvoriti ta stranica.

Navedite tko će još biti prisutan u prostoru koji oglašavate kao sobu

Rooms are great for guests who prefer a little privacy, yet still want to meet someone new and experience the area like a local. When booking a Room, guests want to know who else they may be sharing the home with, especially if the Host isn’t present or if other guests may be there. Hosts can specify this in their Listing settings so it shows on their listing page for guests.

How to specify who’s at your listing

You can add who might be present during guests’ stays by editing your listing under Shared spaces, within the Rooms and Spaces section. You can indicate if you, your family, other guests, and/or roommates may be present during a stay.

It’s important to keep this updated so guests have clear expectations of who they may encounter during their stay. If you don’t specify this, “Host or others may share home” may automatically be displayed on your listing page to guests.

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