Zašto mi je rezervacija dva puta naplaćena?
Before you submit a reservation request, you'll see whether your chosen payment method will place a hold (called an authorization) or charge on your account for the amount of the reservation.
If your payment method is authorized
Some payment methods or locations require that the full amount of the reservation is authorized at the time of your request. If your reservation is accepted, the authorization will turn into a real charge and the amount will be deducted from your payment account.
If the reservation request is declined or expires, you’ll either see the authorization disappear altogether or appear as a refund in your payment account. Depending on the processing time of your bank, the release of the authorization may take up to 7 business days.
If your payment method is charged
Some payment methods or locations require that the full amount of the reservation is charged at the time of your request. If your reservation request is accepted, the charge remains and your reservation is confirmed.
If the reservation request is declined or expires, you’ll be refunded immediately and automatically. Depending on the processing time of your bank, the refund may take up to 10 calendar days to process.
If you booked a hotel
When you book a hotel through Airbnb, we collect the payment. But there may be additional charges, such as an incidental charge or hold, or a resort fee. Contact the hotel directly for more information.
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